Friday 13 September 2013


Trolltunga is one of the most spectactular scenic cliffs in Norway. Trolltunga  is situated about 1100 meters above sea level, hovering 700 metres above lake Ringedalsvatnet in Skjeggedal. The view is breathtaking. The hike goes through high mountains, takes 8-10 hours in total (to Trolltunga and return) and the ascent is about 900 meters.The hike is usually possible to do from mid June, depending on when the snow melts in the mountains. Normally one can hike to Trolltunga until mid September. Consider carefully whether you are in good enough shape and have the right equipment before setting out. Plan carefully and start early in the day. There is no mobilephone coverage along the route.
From Odda you can drive to Tyssedal on route 13. From Tyssedal follow signs to Skjeggedal. Parking in Skjeggedal after 7 km. Parking fee NOK 100 pr day in Skjeggedal. The hike starts at the beginning of the funicular Mågelibanen (not in operation) in Skjeggedal. Follow the path that starts on the right side of the funicular. The path is marked with painted red T’s in the terrain. There are some signs along the route.

 If you want to stay overnight in the mountain area around the Trolltunga we  recommend bringing your own tent.

All nature based activities are at your own risk. You will need sturdy hiking boots, bring extra clothing and be prepared for bad weather. Bring map and compass, food and drink. Respect the nature. Weather in the high mountains can change quickly - check the latest weather forecast before going to Trolltunga.

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